Saturday, September 22, 2012

Hostel Environment

My last week in Taipei, Jules and I stayed a few nights in a one room/two bed hostel. We went bar hopping one night, and when we got back, I snored and grinded my teeth all night long. The sound was/is so horrendous, Julie stayed up all night begging and pleading for me to stop breathing. The poor thing couldn’t sleep but a few hours.  (I also know she contemplated smothering me w/ her pillow.) The next morning, when I woke up bright eyed, and bushy tailed, I asked a poorly rested Julie, “Hey, how did you sleep?” From that point on, Julie knew NOT to share a room w/ her good ‘ol Nav. 

Will the real Julie please stand up?

In Austin, Julie and I were going to share the guest room in a house martine and Marisa had found to rent. Julie wouldn't sleep in the guest room because there was taxidermy. Martine removed it from the wall and put it in the closet, but that was still a little too gross for our Jules. :)

Julie and I went to SXSLucero this year, shortly after we met. She is a SXSW pro, and had a mission to see Lucero as much as possible. I drove to Austin and she crossed town to meet me so we we could walk to the next Lucero show together. We stood in line at Club 96 for, what felt, uncomfortably too long. We (okay, Julie) were afraid we couldn't get in, the line was so long. We barely made it (or at least we told ourselves we were the last ones let in the door), and as soon as we walked in, we found out the promoter from Fender was an old friend of mine. He got us VIP wristbands, and we stood nice and close to the stage.  Julie thought I was Lucero magic, but it was definitely just a lucky break!

We sent this to our fried Wes when we hadn't heard from him for a while. Pouty Julie gets results!

Jaime's good friend Julie

Well, here's the text feed from Jaime realizing that WE DONT KNOW THIS JULIE...

We asked everyone to send pics and stories behind them...Jaime kept sending me these weird stories and pictures of this girl.  Finally, we resolved the Three's Company plot... 
On Aug 20, 2012, at 7:36 PM, Jaime Bobbitt <> wrote:
Oh. My. God. Hahahahaha!!!!  Okay, all this time I thought you were my friend Julie Grantham's friend. I just met Julie Guerra a couple months ago!!  But still, I may have some photos. 
That is so funny!  I got all of my mutual friends involved (of Julie Grantham's), and both of my Julie's share the same birthday. Sorry for the confusion!  

On Aug 20, 2012, at 8:41 PM, "Sra. Merchán" <> wrote:

That's pretty funny.  I'm probably going to use one of those pics with the story behind it if that's ok?  But sill send one of you?
Sent from miPhone
 Totally on with me! That is soooo funny!  


Well, here's the

Friday, September 21, 2012

Family Fun

Just look at her face - can you tell how much she loves her grandmother??? And her cousins too of course.
She looks really comfortable holding that gun, but you should have heard her freaking out before the first time she shot it. Surprisingly she was a pretty good shot!
One of many fantastic Thanksgiving celebrations with the Bertinos!!!

The photographer didn't get the memo about not showing your bare feet!

Festival Feevah

Our first ACL Birthday Extravaganza!!! Oasis, Jet, Franz Ferdinand, the Black Keys - not too shabby!!! Here's to another beautiful birthday, Jules!!!! 
Julie refused to smile from the camera and proceeded to belt out the lyrics to the Lucero song. How dare we not pay full attention!!

Things you may not know about Who...

Sally Jessie Who?

Oh - you didn't know Julie used to be a straight up thug gansta? Oops.

Slaves, Gypsays, Tramps and THEEVES...HUH!

The salt-in-the-water trick worked like a charm on Julie at this restaurant in Venice. She had no idea what was in store for her as she raised her glass of ice water for a refreshing drink. Hahahahaha! We got it all on film! Yes.

Only in Vegas...

Tao Beach Pool Party - Vegas Baby!!!!

Only in Vegas is it appropriate to hold hands and skip around in a circle in the lobby of a fancy hotel

Ciao Liam...

Liam's first trip to Italy and he gets a ride from his Aunt Julie in Zia Anna's bike

I had fun with you on the ferris wheel at Kemah, Aunt Julie!

Aunt Julie...


Aunt Julie is the best! She's always there for us and spoiling us rotten! Remember how you came trick or treating with us even though it was a work night?

  Aunt Julie - we always love getting to see you with Mackie and Ellie!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Pam says Ni hao...

I included a picture of Julie with a rather confusing sign!

Julie and I in Taiwan....I went to visit her there in 2009 and it was such a fabulous, trip of a lifetime for me!  The first of us climbing a tea pot in Lulei (not sure on the exact spelling here), a town near where Julie taught and famous for tea growing (obviously).  :) 

General Tso's Hospital- good times in Taiwan

The final ones are from our most recent trip to NYC and DC. 

I LOVE the one where we are with the Michigan and Texas towers are the WWII monument. That's our respective hometown states, and they are right next to one another! 

Two are in Houston from when I visited in 2010 after not seeing each other for 2 years. We had such a great time rekindling the friendship, and she gave me my first taste of Texas lifestyle.

I absolutely adore Julie (and her family) and I'm SO fortunate to have her as a friend. She is one of the best things I took away from my Taiwan experience!  

In Taiwan on Orchid Island. Is was one of the best weekends I had in Taiwan. I really became closer to Jules and grew to love her!

A new kind of thinking cap...

Julie and I would occasionally do one another's hair. On this night, Jules was giving me some fashionable blonde highlights using a really cool cap! Prior to this night on a school trip to NYC, I cut her really thick long hair in a hotel room. We obviously trusted each other very much!

Memmer's Memories

 "Don't worry guys, I got it." - Julie taking on the weight of the world at Garden of the Gods park, Colorado, 2008
"Us vegetarians gotta stick together, giraffe. Hey- are you gonna finish that cracker?" - Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, Colorado Springs CO, 2007
 "OMG is that BRAD AUSMUS?!?!?"- Astros game, 2007
"Expelliarmus!...  This looked so much easier when Harry did it." - 4th of July with Navi and John

Roaaaad Tripppp!

During high school, Julie and I could always find a good reason to take a road trip! It never mattered where we were going because it was more about the adventure of going somewhere new together. :)  This picture was taken in Greune, TX during one of our tubing trips.

University Park

A funny story about Jules?? Where do I begin?! Jules and I met over 10 years ago at the infamous University Park and ever since then we've accumulated numerous hilarious incidents ranging from: a toilet paper Nazi of a roommate (which led to the toilet paper credo), a porn-wrapped room, random moments at UP captured on video, slap fights, ER trips during SXSW and of course our promise to each other that we would never become "Hollywood fuck ups". It's hard to give just one story and I know there are many, many more to come! Happy 30th Birthday Jules! I know you'll rock 30s just like we did our 20s - love you!!!

That Rodeo sho' was crackalackin'

If it weren't for the roid raging bus driver,  the excessive charm (and surprisingly good dance moves) of one, Turner (but Jules kept calling him Tyrone), the ride we hitched with a random stranger, the crack heads whose apartment we borrowed to use the bathroom, and finally the disappearance of Michelle - it would have been an otherwise boring night.  Thanks, Rodeo Cookoff - we can always count on you for mayhem.  

Sunday, September 16, 2012

And I think to myself...what a burritoful word...

     Julie and I were at Free Press Summer Fest and we walked by the Chipotle booth. They were exchanging free burritos for silly pictures in costume so we donned these Mexican get up’s and this is the result! No Tequila was involved.
Unfortunately, one of the only pics Julie has not immediately deleted from
       my phone.  Is she a double agent?  Clearly, we were changing the world here.
As always, Julie looks beautiful.  

Monday, July 16, 2012

Escaping dead presidents

So, Julie came to pick me up from the airport, and I wanted to stop at a warehouse that is near Target on Sawyer (I thought I could live there-  because it happens in movies) . We noticed the presidents and snooped across a field to take pictures with them.  Then, we heard a noise and ran back to her car, Blair Witch- style.

 The second picture, I took of myself as we escaped.  When we drove our car around the building to leave, we realized it was open to the public and we weren't the bad ass hoodlums we thought we were.  

This (third pic) is a one we took once we figured out we were allowed to.  Wasn't as much fun...

Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Regal Regina

Who, Laura and I stayed at the Westin Regina Europa on Venice for one night during our trip.  It was a VERY expensive room that we got for free with my hotel rewards points.  We were all very impressed with the amenities and felt the need to model them.

Laura modeling the posh potty.  We did a lot of snooty guffawing while regally waving our arms around...

So I'm not sure what happened with this robe, but I'm just gonna say, "Oh she PAID for that room..."